A Bequest in Your Will or Living Trust

The simplest way to provide for Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital's future is a bequest in your will or living trust, in which you leave to Le Bonheur Children's Hospital Foundation a specific dollar amount, specific asset(s), a percentage of your estate, or all or part of the remainder of your estate after taxes, administrative costs and other expenses, and specific bequests. The specific language to use in preparing legal documents to make your bequest varies according to the bequest.

1. Bequest of Specific Dollar Amount
"I bequeath the sum of $_____________ to Le Bonheur Children's Hospital Foundation, a Tennessee nonprofit corporation located in Memphis, Tennessee."

2. Bequest of Specific Asset(s)
"I give, devise and bequeath all of my right, title and interest in ____________________ (describe the property) to Le Bonheur Children's Hospital Foundation, a Tennessee nonprofit corporation located in Memphis, Tennessee."

3. Percentage of Remainder Estate
"I give, devise, and bequeath to Le Bonheur Children's Hospital Foundation, a Tennessee nonprofit corporation located in Memphis, Tennessee, ______ percent of all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate."

Cathy Wilson, J.D., CFRE, CAP® will be happy to work with you and your attorney to draft a bequest for Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. Please contact Cathy Wilson, J.D., CFRE, CAP® at 901-287-5575 or catherine.wilson@lebonheur.org.

This bequest language is provided as a service to you and your attorney. It is not offered as, or intended to be, legal advice. Most states have strict requirements governing the creation of a valid last will and testament. You should always obtain the assistance of an attorney when making or adding a codicil to a will.